New warehouse, new team members, new website, a company rebrand and an appointment as Clipsal Warranty Agents – these are just some of the changes from this year. Here is what’s new.
Having started in 2013, we have been conscious to organically grow our operations to ensure that safety and quality are never compromised. We are so proud to have taken this approach, because it has given us time to find the best technicians and support staff, and to build great relationships with builders and clients.
That is why we are really excited about all of the changes that have happened this year – they are proof that our approach is one that builders, architects and clients prefer.
As we continue to grow, we are able to offer you quality service through expanded capabilities and a scalable team. Our goal is to always strive for excellence that directly benefits you.
See what has changed in 2020.
You can now find us in Morningside
With a number of large projects about to commence and a growing team of technicians, we needed a larger space. While we are still making it feel like home, the signage is up and we are ready for meetings with our builders, lighting designers, suppliers and customers.
Our team of technicians has grown to support your projects
Welcoming new technicians to the team has been the most exciting part of this year, because they have fit into our company culture seamlessly.
If you have read Kory’s story, you will know our business is driven by a list of values. We are thrilled to have found technicians who share these values and high standards. They are a bit camera shy, but we are working on getting photos of them for you!
As we continue to take on larger residential homes and property developments, these technicians will ensure we can scale to meet all project and quality demands. They all uphold our promise to be the link between your expectations and our quality standards.
We have gone digital with a new website
How do you like our new website? Like everything we do, it has been a true labour of love.
We have grown our business to date through great relationships with builders and word-of-mouth referrals from clients, but it was time to showcase how we can help you on your project.
Amid moving and bringing on new team members, it has been exciting to see the website coming to life in the background. We hope you like it – keep checking back to our Community page for more updates on products we have been working with, tips for using technology around the home and lighting design ideas for architectural spaces.
We have been appointed as a Clipsal Warranty Agent
Being appointed as a Clipsal Warranty Agent was a big source of excitement for us, because there are only a select number of electricians that Clipsal trusts to represent them.
Clipsal is a preferred supplier of ours, because they are an Australian brand with well-designed products. To learn what this announcement means for our customers and which products we recommend from the Clipsal range, see the official announcement of this appointment.
To stay informed from our growing team, sign up for updates below. We share useful project insights and preferred suppliers, so you can learn from us.